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Arkiv - Etter geografi
- Dato:
- 28.04.2013
- Turtype:
- Randonnée/Telemark
- Turlengde:
- 6:30t
- Distanse:
- 18,0km
I had waited for what had seemed like eternity for this day, but finally it happened that my long-term dream to climb a Lyngen peak was finally accomplished - although not a dream that I had long thought to happen on a pair of skis! Tafeltinden was our objective and I had Aline and Christian with me for company. In contrast to our first trip together ( Juledagstur til Durmålstinden ) on Christmas day during the mørketid, today’s trip could not have been more different! Mucho sun, long hours of daylight and plenty more snow. I picked them up at 8.30 since the first ferry from Breivikeidet to Svensby left at 10.00 on Sundays. I was worried that we wouldn’t make the ferry on time, but as things actually turned out, we ended up being the second car in the queue and waited for 40 minutes at Breivikeidet. Better to have waited >>>
- Dato:
- 27.04.2013
- Turtype:
- Randonnée/Telemark
- Turlengde:
- 1:30t
Quick trip up to Finnlandsfjellet med Kamila and her friend Lauri today. The weather wasn't at all terrible and the slush was ok. Better than the week before on Rødtind but still a little bit awkward to steer the skis on. Up and down in less than 1.5 hours. Not the most exciting trip ever, but a nice alternative to meeting friends in a coffee shop on a lazy saturday afternoon!
Truger-tur på Riven
- Dato:
- 23.04.2013
- Turtype:
- Trugetur
Second day of my visit to Senja with my mum, brother and mum's friend Tina. We had a bit of a late start but the sun was shining and it was definitely a day for spending some time outdoors. I couldn't really make up my mind about a small but exciting trip I could take mum and Tina on, but in the end I decided a visit to Riven could be nice. It was classed as an easy summer trip, and the map contours suggested it was not steep, so it was worth giving it a try.
My friend had lent me two pairs of truger and I had my skis, so my brother could either try walking by foot in the snow, or find something else to do. In the end he spent 2 hours walking from where we parked by the Riven tunnel down to Husøy - and back again, just to buy a drink and something to eat! For the three of us - mum, Tina and >>>
- Dato:
- 22.04.2013
- Turtype:
- Spasertur
- Turlengde:
- 0:30t
Took a quick trip up to Knuten in the evening after arriving in Mefjordvær. Had some light rain while eating dinner but then the weather changed quickly and we took the opportunity to strecth the legs after the relatively long car journey.
Being the first evening of my visit to Senja with my mum and brother, I don't think we could have asked for a better welcome!
- Dato:
- 21.04.2013
- Turtype:
- Randonnée/Telemark
- Distanse:
- 5,0km
My mum and brother were visiting Tromsø for a few days and I really wanted to get my brother out on a trip to experience the wonderful ski-life up here. Since he had downhill skiing experience (more than me) I was not so bothered about him getting down a mountain. But after a week of warm weather with rain showers, I wasn't convinced that snow conditions were so fun. In the end I decided Rødtind would be a good option to start off with since it is only a short trip and it would at least give us the option of taking another trip afterwards if my brother didn't find it too tiring.
After the rain had stopped we started around kl.14 from the road near the Kvaløya ski stadion and began the trip towards the lysløypa and then up through the forest. Turned out I was more or less right about the >>>
- Dato:
- 12.04.2013
- Turtype:
- Randonnée/Telemark
- Distanse:
- 13,0km
Jeg glemmer nå hvorfor jeg foreslo en tur til Vannøya. Husker at jeg merket denne øya først da jeg åpnet mitt nye Ullsfjorden kart. Kanskje det var det første partiet som jeg så. Men uansett, en tur til Vanntinden så fristende ut spesielt siden helning fra sørsiden av fjellet var ganske slak hele veien opp. Det betydde også at total avstanden var lengre enn noen andre turer. Da ble planen for et besøk til Vannøya født. Det skulle blitt bare en dagstur med ferga, men min vennine Ilona hadde en flott ide: sov i telt på Vannøya etter turen og opplev en vakker solnedgang fra stranda.
Naturlig ble vi veldig spent veldig fort. Jeg spurte noen andre venner om de hadde lyst til å bli med, og snart var vi ei 4-personer gruppe: jeg, Ilona, Kamila og Kristin. Dessverre måtte Aline til >>>
- Dato:
- 07.04.2013
- Turtype:
- Randonnée/Telemark
Until now, the thought of taking a trip up Rødtinden has never appealed to me. It's 25m short of only 500m high, ca. 2km from the road in Storelva and attracts as many crowds in the same way as a British high street would do. Kjedelig has always been my conclusion. However, after injuring my leg on Sydalsfjellet two weeks earlier and still not having regained complete freedom of movement, I finally decided to give in and reduce my skiing ambitions for a while. Rødtinden was now on my list of trips worth considering.
After almost 2 weeks of continual bad weather, high skredfare and numerous skred-related incidents in Tromsø, today dawned bright and sunny and there was a proper påskestemning outdoors. It would have been pretty shameful to have yet another working-at-home-at-the-weekend day. >>>