3421-3435 av 49108
Navn Høyde PF Koordinater GPX
Birnam Hill - King's Seat 404m 171m 30V 464596 6266731 (UTM)
Birnhorn 2634m 1665m 33T 329232 5260410 (UTM)
Birnie Brae 508m 31m 30U 550205 6148388 (UTM)

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Birošvárri 927m 35m 34W 543480 7789767 (UTM)

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Birošvárri S1 946m 75m 34W 543357 7789408 (UTM)
Birošvárri S10 770m 35m 34W 542533 7787421 (UTM)
Birreencorragh , (Birin Corrach) 698m 583m 29U 468016 5981979 (UTM)
Birreencorragh South Top , (Birreencorragh Beg) 564m 60m 29U 467991 5979980 (UTM)
Birreencorragh West Top 551m 37m 29U 467018 5981942 (UTM)
Bisaurin, (Pico Bisaurin) 2670m 1040m 30T 693026 4740028 (UTM)
Biseggen, (Bissietjahke) 1322m 175m 33W 440119 7235738 (UTM)
Bishop Forest Hill 392m 175m 30U 448621 6105968 (UTM)
Bishop Hill 461m 179m 30V 480449 6231161 (UTM)
Bishop Wilton Wold 248m 205m 30U 647619 5986174 (UTM)
Bishop's Seat 504m 30m 30U 375429 6202663 (UTM)