Olsokfjellet, Damsgårdsfjellet, and Gravdalsfjellet (06.06.2015)

Skrevet av HHauser (Helwig Hauser) GSM

Startsted Betanien (90moh)
Sluttsted Betanien (90moh)
Turtype Fjelltur
Turlengde 1t 40min
Distanse 5,6km
Høydemeter 416m
Bestigninger Damsgårdsfjellet (344moh) 06.06.2015
Gravdalsfjellet (353moh) 06.06.2015
Olsokfjellet (354moh) 06.06.2015
Note that this track has been created a posteriori, i.e., from memory, not automatically recorded.

Trip Summary

Starting from Betanien, we first connected to Nordnæsdalsveien (via Jonstadveien), before we turned right, shortly after passing the boom, then following a nice path that lead us up to Olsokfjellet (from the south). From Olsokfjellet, we connected to Damsgårdsfjellet, and from there we continued in a westerly direction, descending (steep!) to Skaret. Up on the other side, we crossed Holefjellet and continued towards Nygårdsnipa. Changing more and more into a southerly direction, we ascended Gravdalsfjellet (from the north). Continuing our round, we passed by Viggohytten -- or what remains now, after the hut burned down, recently! From there, mostly heading eastwards, we quickly connected back to Vestlund and to Betanien. All in all, a nice easy hike in beautiful summer weather! :-)

Useful Resources

Web page WestCoastPeaks.com provides useful information about Løvstakken as well as useful information about Olsokfjellet, Gravdalsfjellet, and Damsgårdsfjellet.


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