Kanadaskogen with Knappen, Svartaberget, etc. (28.05.2016)

Skrevet av HHauser (Helwig Hauser) GSM

Startsted Varden (45moh)
Sluttsted Varden (45moh)
Turtype Fjelltur
Turlengde 3t 00min
Distanse 12,6km
Høydemeter 682m
Bestigninger Knappen (133moh) 28.05.2016
Storhovden (174moh) 28.05.2016
Straumsfjellet (111moh) 28.05.2016
Svartaberget (192moh) 28.05.2016
Note that this track has been created a posteriori, i.e., from memory, not automatically recorded.

Trip Summary

Starting at Varden in Fyllingsdalen, I first got over and up to Knappen (around Knappatjørna). From Knappen, I continued to Eldtona and further over the top and down again to Bjørgelien. Following that street downwards, I got to Bjøgeveien in order to cross over Kjerreidvika to Bjørndalsskogen (right behind the supermarked along Kjerreidvika there is a steep path that leads up to Bjørndalsskogen). I then crossed the living area at Bjørndalsskogen, before ascending to Straumsfjellet, right north of Bjørndalsskogen. From Straumsfjellet, I found a path down to Bjørndalsbrotet, where I crossed underneath Bjørgeveien over to Kanadaskogen. I continued towards Bjørndalsvatnet, first, getting into the green area as soon as possible. Without really entering the path that rounds about Bjørndalsvatnet in the north, I decided to start ascending along the steep ridge (heading north), which separates Kanadaskogen from Sæterdal. I continued over the top of the ridge into the direction of Svartaberget (right along this stretch, I crossed over Ravnestølen, which has a few houses that overlook Kanadaskogen from up there). The last bit up Svartaberget is steep, but good to step up. From Svartaberget, one can enjoy nice views in south-western direction. I continued from the top, first in northern direction, then taking a larger quarter-circle in order to get down to the saddle that separates Svartaberget from nearby Kanadaskogen-tops northeast of Svartaberget. Over a few of the minor tops in this area, I continued towards east from there---heading for Storhovden. Doing so, I crossed Storamyra (with some good views to the big rock that sits right about Storamyra). I then ended up ascending towards Storhovden from the west (without a path and quite steep up, actually). From Storhovden, I continued southwards, via Syningen, towards Krokatjørna. From there, I took a small path that leads towards Hesjaholtet, and from there, I simply stepped back to Varden along one of the many small paths there. Eventually, this was a slightly longer hike than originally anticipated, but definitely good in order to get some fresh air and do a bit of exercise.


Selected photos are available as Google+ photo album.

Useful Resources

Petter Bjørstad has a useful page about Knappen.
Web page TurStier.org describes a similar hike.


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