Bergen-Løvstakken-Fyllingsdalen (19.08.2016)
Skrevet av HHauser (Helwig Hauser)
Startsted | Bergen (5moh) |
Sluttsted | Oasen/Fyllingsdalen (45moh) |
Turtype | Fjelltur |
Turlengde | 3t 00min |
Distanse | 9,0km |
Høydemeter | 542m |
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Bestigninger | Løvstakken (477moh) | 19.08.2016 |

Trip Summary
Friday, afternoon, and nice weather in Bergen---why not walking home via Løvstakken?! :-) To Puddefjordsbroen, first, then over the bridge (on the southeastern side to optimize the connection on the other side). Using the pedestrians path, bridge, and tunnel one connects to Gyldenprisveien and from there, right above where Løvstakktunnelen has its northern end, further to Frydenbølien (upwards to the west, after crossing over the tunnel). Right where Frydenbølien makes a sharp turn to the left, a simple path leads into the hillside behind the buildings. Ascending in southern direction brings one close to the new Løvstien (in particular, when one heads a bit more to the left/east, while ascending). At the upper end of this little valley, near to where Løvstien connects to Riplegården at its upper end, another path leads further into the direction of Løvstakken (up on a ridge between Nilsdadalen and Stranden). Continuing southwards, into the direction of Ravnefjellet, one progresses towards Løvstakken. At about 275mosl, one can find another path that leads upwards towards a few small hilltops---from there, it is only a few steps in eastern direction to get to the ridge that leads up to Løvstakken, after all. Finding Løvstakken is then straight-forward---one just follows the ridge upwards (in southern direction) and gets to Løvstakken soon. From the top, we continued in sourthern direction, choosing the one path that extends via the high ridge (a bit further east than the alternative route, which leads down through a small valley, connecting to a small lake at about 400mosl. At the southern end of this small lake, the two paths merge again, leading further down along the ridge. Slightly above 300mosl, where one takes a few steps down some wooden stairs, the path splits and we followed the western one, leading towards Gullsteinen, in principle. Before reaching Gullsteinen, however, we turned right (into western direction) and descended towards Fyllingsdalen, Krohnegården. Once down on Krohnegården, we followed it further downwards, also making use of another pedestrians connection to Helgeplasset. From there, one gets down to Benshaugen and from there it is short to Oasen via Nedre Krohnegården. In summary, it was really an enjoyable end of the day (and the week, actually), even though hiking in office clothes and with a laptop on the back is not exactly what one would do, if an alternative would be straight-forward to pick. :-)
Useful Resources
Web page provides useful information about Løvstakken.
On Bergentopp 200 there is a page (in Norwegian) about Løvstakken.