3316-3330 of 49108
Name Elevation V.sep. Coordinates GPX
Big Sister Trail Parking 1,703m 11U 614167 5651002 (UTM)

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Big Sister W1 2,880m 16m 11U 615505 5652669 (UTM)

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Big Sister W2 2,865m 13m 11U 615451 5652656 (UTM)

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Big Sister W3 2,845m 15m 11U 615409 5652637 (UTM)
Big Southern Butte, (Big Butte) 2,301m 730m 12T 336137 4806769 (UTM)
Bigert 331m 11m 30U 482598 6020021 (UTM)
Biggevárri 546m 130m 34W 598218 7691628 (UTM)
Bigland Barrow 193m 23m 30U 501419 6011073 (UTM)
Bignall Hill 236m 90m 30U 549024 5878946 (UTM)
Bihkkačohkka, (Vaaranpää) 328m 220m 35W 449349 7808262 (UTM)
Bikkjemyråsen 603m 28m 32V 541209 6677333 (UTM)

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Bikkjenuten 1,051m 51m 32V 465578 6599459 (UTM)
Bikkjskittinden 496m 65m 34W 419207 7759324 (UTM)
Bikku Bitti, (Bette Peak) 2,267m 570m 34Q 308438 2432043 (UTM)
Bílá hora 557m 204m 34U 292357 5497499 (UTM)